Our Educational Programs
Sha Calhoun
7th-8th Grade Homeroom; 5th-8th Grade Math & Science

Degrees: Elementary Ed, 33 graduate hr Curriculum and Instruction
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Why did you come to work at PTCS?
I have enjoyed several summers of serving in the JSP and Jumpstart program, and I completed a quarter in the kindergarten and fell in love with the students here at PTCS. When the opportunity arose to work here full-time, I felt it was a God send, so I answered the call to work in the Middle School.
What do you enjoy most about teaching?
Christian teaching is the ultimate teaching position. Students who know God or are seeking God are placed in my path. We get a chance to live out the Gospels while expanding academic knowledge. To me, that is the best of both worlds. Knowing that serving as a teacher and planting the seeds of Biblical knowledge makes all the hard work, long hours, and countless research for what else can be done worth it all.
What are your favorite moments with students?
My favorite moments in teaching are the 'aha' moments. Seeing the look of, "I've got it!" is priceless. Helping someone through prayer and caring and then having someone reach out to you because they know you care are moments I would not exchange for anything. Learning something new about a student or from a student is exhilarating. Moments such as those are the reasons why I love teaching.