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Joanna Stack
1st Grade


Degrees: B.A. in Anthropology and Sociology, M.Ed in Instructional Design

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Family: My parents and younger sister live here in Chicago. I also have an older brother who lives with his wife and my nephew in Japan!

Why did you come to work at PTCS?

I believe strongly in the value of Christian education. I attended a Christian elementary school and know the foundations built there have been instrumental in my own life. I have also been interested in Chinese culture and language for a long time. Pui Tak Christian School is a great fit for me!

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

What I enjoy most about teaching is that no two days are ever the same. Students are always learning and growing. It’s amazing to watch their progress over the school year.

What are your favorite moments with students?

My two favorite kinds of moments with students are when they overcome challenges and when they are genuinely amazed by something in the class like an interesting science experiment. I love witnessing joy in learning.

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Chicago, IL 60616


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